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I will try to forget to start a new life 我會努力忘記開始新的生活
Let's just live and what happens will happen. 顺其自然地生活吧,该发生的总会发生。
Life shouldn't be to treat each other a smile because you're a girl【生活不会因为你是姑娘就对你笑脸
Hard struggle of life alone 艰苦奋斗的生活.
你觉得值得 那就去喜欢 你觉得能让你更好生活 那就保持现状
I will try to forget to start a new life 我會努力忘記開始新的生活
I will try to forget to start a new life 我會努力忘記開始新的生活
其实生活很平淡 是我们把它形容的苦不堪言
Life shouldn't be to treat each other a smile because you're a girl【生活不会因为你是姑娘就对你笑脸
Stop trying to find a rewind. It's life, not a movie. 别妄想着倒带,这是生活,不是电影。
下一篇:After dark, we don't know if it's going to be. 下一篇 【方向键 ( → )下一篇】
上一篇:'Circle of people and the object at the light jealous of you in this life can not eat' 上一篇 【方向键 ( ← )上一篇】